MoTuWeTh FrSaSu

International Christmas Mixer

5 December 2007, 18:00

To see the list of participants and the invitation, please log in

On Wednesday 5th December 2007 International Christmas Mixer in Krakow was held. The meeting took place at Radisson SAS Hotel in Krakow.

It gathered more than 70 participants – representatives of member companies of coorganizers of this event: Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce, French Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Poland and Swiss Chamber Poland, as well as local authority representatives and representatives of main institutions and organization in the region.

The evening was graced with the life performance of Jacek Korohoda with his jazz band. One of the attractions of the evening was the lottery with marvelous gifts sponsored by: Nordea, Making Waves, Grand Cru.


We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Sponsors of the event:


Golden sponsor:

Silver sponsor:

Bronze sponsors:


July 2006

6 JulyOpenning of Finnish EU Presidency


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