SPCC Annual General Assembly
31 March 2016, 18:00
To see the list of participants and the invitation, please log in
The Annual General Assembly of the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce was held on the 31st of March 2016 in Warsaw.
At the meeting we summed up SPCC activities in 2015 and the Board presented the budget and plan of SPCC activities for 2016, which was approved by the General Assembly.
In 2015 the Chamber will be represented by the following Board Members:
Chairman of the Board:
Carsten Nilsen
Wanda Brociek
Johan Puotila
Sofia Valentin
Board Members:
Leif Christiansen
Daniel Jastrun
Anitta Koskio
Jan Prejsnar
Deputy Board Members:
Iga Fischer
Harri Reiman
Artur Swirtun
Artur Tomaszewski
After the General Assembly participants have a chance to take part in the Business Mixer during which we welcomed new SPCC Members.
We would like to thank the departing Chairman, Mr. Roger Andersson for his contribution to the Chamber's activities during the past year. We are also saying thank you to Mr. Piotr PruÅ› who is departing the SPCC Board as well and was its active Member since 2013.